Husband won't think of financial future

by Carol
(Buffalo, NY)

My and my husband are in our early fifties. He refuses to get any type of life insurance policy and will not put any money aside for funeral expenses if he were to pass away. He is not big on going to the doctor and he knows how important it is to me to feel protected in this area. His father passed away unexpectedly when he was 21 and left his mom with nothing. No insurance, No retirement and no security. He is going down the same road. He has only been at his job for two years and they offer very little for 401k or any other things for emergencies. If my husband were to pass away tomorrow, I would be left with a mortgage, no money for funeral expenses, and no income. He said he does not care about any of this.

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Eugene Kayser, MA, MFT's profile on the Gottman Referral Network