I was fired today

by Jennifer

Long story a little shorter. My husband and I have been married for 8 years. He cheated on me twice. We separated for about 9 months which we didn't have any contact because he moved in with someone. He had no contact with the kids. I sent him pics one day of the vacation I took the kids on and he ended up coming back the next week and then moving back with us a few months later.

That was almost 2 years ago. Since then I had started a new position cleaning a house and buying supplies for this house with my bosses cards. Today I was asked to come into his office so I did. He handed me statements over the last 2 months adding up to $1800. Most of which I see was from my husband using the card for gas or food or chew. When I asked him he said he did because I had been out of work healing from my surgery that I had in November. But the charges are all the way up to this week.

I know have to figure out how to pay him back or have charges against me. We have been living in a hotel since October so I understand the pressure he was under but I can't even look at him right now.

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