Is this a therapy session or a discussion table?

by Nonya Business

How do some people still keep their jobs when they do it so badly? I told my therapist about my traumatic experience that I had due to my uncle yelling at me for nothing and she brushed it off by saying that he just had a bad day. Mind you a therapist I went to before this one told me and explained to me what trauma was when I told them about the experience. I guess trauma is just comes from people having a bad day and nothing else right? What a load of bullshit!

One time she went on to have a conversation with my grandmother about politics and what she had to put up with as she dealt with helping couples. All I could think was what does that have to do with me? You're just gonna talk to my grandma for most of the appointment about shit that isn't even relevant to help me? Fortunately, that was the last time I saw her and it will probably be the last time I'm going to therapy.

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May 23, 2020

by: Your Couples Guide

Wow! You had really bad luck picking a therapist. But don't give up. If you still need help, make a thorough search through websites like and Make sure you read their statements, and always interview them by phone to see if they are right for you.

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