Lost wife

by Anonymous

I have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. My sister and nephew whom I'm very close to live next door. I like to spend time with my parents as they are in their 70's and he don't like me to even spend time with them. He knew when we started dating that I am very close to my family. He is not close to his family.

My husband says I spend too much time with them and the only time he has me is when we go away for the weekend. We work together 3 days out of the week. Its not like they are at my house or i'm at their house.I live within 30 minutes of all of them. He always tells me to pack my stuff and go live with my family, if I say I'm going to visit them.I always ask if he wants to go. I go 2-4 weeks sometime without seeing my parents,just to make my husband Happy! I can't keep doing this!

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