Sister in law eing passive aggresive

by anonymous


I come from a close knit family and my brother and I are very close. So its extra sensitive for me because i don't want him to get hurt.

My brother and her wife have a 4 year old son. I have two daughters and I love his son like my own. But i feel my SIL behaves weirdly when i try to play with him. She tactfully calls him to her on one pretext or the other, and it makes me extremely sad. I have a feeling she manipulates him to think she will be lonely if he goes to someone. He does not even let him have playdates with my kids. I love my nephew so much, but i cant be with him.

This is just an example. She is ok with me otherwise. I am an extremely sensitive person and i can't get it out of my head. I know it may not seem like a big problem, but it is to me. This is not how family behaves. I have always tried to be the bigger person with her, i can't let it get between our families. I fear she will distant my nephew more if I talk to her about it. Please help, I am in a bad mental state right now. Thank you!

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