Counselor abandonment

(Gadsden, Al)

I have PTSD and needed experienced help outside of what my current counselor could give. I tried to change and she got very offended and clung to me. I then told her I was having suicidal thoughts and needed help. She said she could help me but blocked my number. When I realized this, I attempted suicide and she cut off communication and now I'm lost.....

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Aug 25, 2019
This happened to me too
by: Anonymous

I had a similar experience. The therapist was a ignorant naive Western minded girl who gave off this stupid college frat vibe. I could tell she didn't have real life experience and hadn't done anything or seen anything in life. After she realized that she was incompetent she ghosted me switching me to a new therapist at the clinic with my consent.

My best advice for you is to get there license number that they use to practice therapy with and file a complaint at the board. Most therapists and psychiatrists have there license number on there website or somewhere in the room they work in. Best of luck

May 06, 2017
I know how you feel
by: Anonymous

That is definitely not professional behavior! If she just cut all communication off like that after you attempted suicide, not only is that a horrible thing to do, along with being unprofessional, she could have very likely violated the law in your area.

I know from what I learned in my experiences dealing with mental illness and suicide attempts that a therapist must provide you with referrals. They cannot just stop communicating with you like that and terminate therapy without proper referrals. I have attempted suicide myself, and know how hurtful it can be.

If it were me, I would write a complaint into the licensing board where you live as she does not need to be dealing with people if she does not get them the proper help when they need it and just stops all communication like that with no referrals. I had to submit a complaint about a therapist after i attempted suicide as she was definitely not competent and negligent.

Apr 21, 2017

by: Eugene

Of course this is very unprofessional behavior. I would suggest that you google the EMDRIA website which has a directory of therapists who have special techniques for helping with trauma.

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