Does he love me?

by Page
(East Stroudsburg, PA )

Hi to all. Hope you are well.


I am 71 yo and my finance is 74 yo. We live together. We've been together 2 yrs. I have 3 sons, 3 wonderful daughter-in-laws and 4 grand-children. He does not have children. We are both in good health.

I worked hard raising my sons, basically by myself. To this end, besides being their single parent providing emotional support and guidance, I worked, attended and graduated college. After graduation I had a good job, was able to take care of my children and now have a pension along with social security. However, I was not able to save because all my money went for necessities for myself and my children.

My fiancé also worked hard and now has a pension along with social security. Of course, he was able to save his money since he had no one depending on him. He also inherited a significant amount of money. He receives considerable interest.


He is unwilling to help me with my bills and to spend money on entertainment I would like (movies, having guests, museums, theater, etc.). He will, however, spend plenty of money for his entertainment (train and engine shows, etc.).

I can get by on my own but am always struggling with bills and have no money for anything else. I feel that if he did love me, he would want to help me.

Am I wrong? I know I am always doing things to enhance his life. BTW, I love him and am not planning to leave him (I tried for 6 months but missed him too much.)

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