Ghosted by the therapist

by Anonymous

I was seeing this therapist for about 3-4 months before class every Thursday morning. When the semester ended, I was going to ask her if we can see each other less frequently as I was an hour commute from her and didn't want to travel there for 45 min and go back (also I was less than impressed with her at this point).

We never got to that conversation because I unexpectedly missed a session due to having to work very late the night before and oversleeping. I very rarely cancelled and I was never late. I emailed her saying I was so sorry and can we please reschedule. She told me to call her which I did and she didn't answer. That was the last I heard from her; for about 2 months.

Two months later she is emailing me telling me I need to pay for the missed session etc. I was shocked and appalled bc I was very hurt when she stopped talking to me. I wrote her back saying she can forget the payment bc I am not at fault--I asked to reschedule, I emailed and I called. What else was I supposed to do?? I told her she is the one responsible for making appointments and I was not just going to show up at her house. She again waits two months to email me back.

This time her response was a long-winded narrative of how she can't believe how I am acting and she is soooo shocked at what I am saying and that this is not the ethics of an aspiring social worker and then she continued to use things I told her in session against me!

Am I nuts or is this highly unethical? I didn't answer her bc why would I at this point? But she recently just forwarded me the same email again when she didn't get a response from me. I feel harassed and belittled by this woman.

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Mar 15, 2018
Response to Story
by: Anonymous

The therapists lack of response time (2 months is ridiculous) and her belittling statements is all on her. But I’ve been in therapy for years now, and if I accidentally miss a session due to unexpected events, I still have to pay for the session at full price (without insurances assistance) even if we reschedule. It’s because they held that time for us when they could’ve seen someone else so we took their time and pay essentially. So we have to pay for the session UNLESS we call in advance to let them know we won’t make it to session.

So if you overslept (even though it wasn’t intended), she’s right in the fact that you have to pay. But she still shouldn’t be belittling and rudeness about it.

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