Girlfriend refuses to kiss me

by Benjamin
(Layton, Utah, United States)

I know this is probably a little one-sided as you're not hearing her side, but I've been technically dating this girl for about 7 months (I say technically because steady dating is a little taboo in Utah before we're ready to marry so we avoid labels) we spend a lot of time together and I enjoy that time a lot.

I asked her if she would share a kiss for the first time back in February and she politely declined. As time progressed, I asked her countless times and she continued to refuse and tensions began to escalate. It's not entirely about the kiss anymore (though I certainly believe it would be nice) it's more that she knows I want it so badly and she claims she loves me, but she won't give it up for me and that makes me feel unloved. I know she's not obligated to give me anything, but it frustrates me a lot. When we talk about it, she simply says "I don't think I should have to kiss you just because you want it. I want to want it" but that hasn't changed at all since we started this little fight.

I really care about her and I don't want to break up, but I cant think of a way to compromise this. What do you guys think we should do?

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