He's just not that into me...

by Princess Charming
(North Carolina)

I am 25. He is 31. After 3 and a half years, I ended the relationship for multiple reasons, but mainly because his actions simply don't show that he cares for me. It's to the point that if we go 2 or 3 weeks with no real time together, it doesn't bother him. We don't have much to talk about. If we did spend any time together, it was me traveling to his house and he NEVER comes my way. 90% of invitations for him to come my way were turned down.

I finally got tired of trying to express my feelings. He obviously doesn't care enough to drive 15 minutes to come see me. The last night (the night I finally threw the towel in) was when he got off work at 6:00 and he was too tired to come visit. (This happens routinely) I work 12 hour shifts. I've never been too tired to visit with him.

I want so badly to call him and talk and work everything out. But I deserve better. When we have talked about these issues in the past, he assures me he cares for me but it's just him and how he is.

I believe in compromise, but I have been the only one compromising. I guess it just helps me to jot my feelings down. I have to realize there are plenty of other guys out there. I hope I'm doing the right thing. I get discouraged sometimes. So any words of encouragement are greatly appreciated!!

Good luck to everyone else!

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Jul 20, 2012
Thumbs up!
by: tracey

i only wish i could have done the same as you. i admire you!

Feb 12, 2012
Liberation at last!
by: Anonymous

Good girl! Great that you recognize you CANNOT MAKE ANYONE LOVE or WANT YOU.

Love is a two-way street. Glad you are shutting the door on that one. Move-on and you'll find someone you deserve and who deserves you!

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