How do I show my husband that I'm smart?

by Aubrey
(New York)

I have an MA in the humanities and am the editor of a publication. My husband has a BA in the sciences and does environmental work. Not surprisingly, he makes more money than I do. I believe that I should be paid closer to what he gets paid because I think our jobs are equally challenging and are an equal amount of work. He says that I do not deserve to be paid more money because my job does not require intelligence. His argument is that a smart person could get information across in a outline; therefore, someone who takes the time to write out an article is unintelligent -- wordy out of stupidity. The disagreement over pay isn't the problem. I didn't go into my field out of any delusions of grandeur. The problem is that I don't know how to show him that I have value when he doesn't see value in the areas where I excel. What should I do?

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