Husband addicted to teen porn

by Anonymous
(Anonymous )

A little history 1st. Married 15 yrs, he is mid 60s me late 40. We currently work together, same place/office so together 24/7,365. No friends, he has family I do not.

As a child and young teenage girl I was abused by my father. He was addicted to porn and of course turned to me for satisfaction. My husband is verbal abuser. after doing some Research I realize he is a narcissist. He has on 2 occasions injured me. He was drunk. he is an alcoholic. I have in the past caught him 2x servicing himself while watching adult porn. Once at work in presence of someone else (very embarrassing) and 1x at home.

We have discussed this issue many times and each time am promised he’ll stop or slow down. Obviously this has not been resolved. Last week I found out he has been viewing teen porn and lots of it. I had to get verification code that had been sent to his phone. Well there it was, teen porn video. I looked at the history and I couldn’t believe it. He is on porn 2-4 times a day. What upsets me is the fact he does this and knows my past. Obviously he only cares about himself. This is a going over the line for me.

I feel disgusted by this. I can’t look at him and not think how disgusting he is. Talking to him will only end up in blaming me. I try to initiate sex all the time. He always has an excuse for not wanting to, I can’t remember the last time he tried to engage with me.

I don’t know what to do. We work together are, in debt. I have no friends or family. I feel so trapped and helpless. Any advice please?

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