Husband doesn't want to be with me anymore

by Belinda
(Nottingham )

Me and my husband have been together 4 years, married for just over a year. Our relationship has never been perfect, he accuses me of lying and cheating all the time when I have never done neither of these things.

We work and live together and he gets jealous quite easier. We don't have a sex life anymore, he tells me I'm not affectionate towards him when I'm always the one initiating things. If I wants something I have to make the first move. We haven't had sex in months.

We have rows near enough every day and every time he we have a row he mentions divorce and calls me all the names under the sun. He has told me he don't love me anymore and doesn't want to be with me anymore. He had told me to get out of his life.

I still love him and want to make this work but he said he hasn't wanted this relationship for the past 3 years so it feels like I've been dragged along with false promise and hope we were ok.

What should I do as I am scared and have no one else to turn to

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