by Anonymous
My husband and I have been married for several years and have a 3 year old daughter. We live near both our families and the grandparents are heavily involved and supportive of our daughter. My father has been diagnosed with Cancer and my husband’s mom has heart problems and is also not in good health. Both our families see our daughter regularly and are very involved in her life. All of our friends also live nearby. My husband has a bad history of quitting jobs and being out of work for months at a time. He was recently laid off again last year and has yet to find a job. I keep jobs for years at a time and work in a field that requires me to hold a state license to work. My husband recently claimed that he has been getting interview offers for out of state jobs. It is not an easy process for me to transfer my license out of state so I will easily be out of work for a year or more while I work on getting licensed in that state. I have also been in the same field for over a decade and have worked very hard to finally land my dream job four years ago. The job I have now is very difficult to find and it is very unlikely I would ever be hired for it again if I were to resign. He has been making me feel very guilty for not agreeing to move out of state if he were to get an out of state job. The jobs he wants will not pay enough for me to
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