Husband secretly watching teen porn.

by Karen

Please help. I have recently checked our computer which my 57 year old husband mostly uses, and I found my husband had been searching for and viewing teen porn. The history dated back to over 5 years ago.

Over the past few years he has increasingly showed less interest in being intimate with me. I had practically begged him for answers about never wanting to have sex and he said he was just lazy. My confidence took a battering and I was feeling unattractive and blaming myself for him not looking at me in a sexual way. I became convinced he was interested in other women and 2 years ago I found he had been messaging an ex girlfriend and told her I was boring. He also said he had never really wanted to marry me almost 9 years ago. He was very apologetic when I confronted him about this and promised he'd fully commit to our relationship.

So now I'm having to deal with the fact he has been watching mostly Japanese teen porn and I'm so disappointed he has been lying to me all this time. Apparently he has libido issues and was to embarrassed to talk about it. I really don't believe this as I saw every single search he had made and there was nothing to suggest he was struggling with any erectile dysfunction. I'm struggling with how to move on from this.

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