by Mary
I (35f) have been married to my husband (35m) for almost 13 years. He has always been a little on the selfish side but also been really nice for the first 8 years. Then we had kids. I feel like he is no longer the husband I thought I was marrying. I think it really threw him through a loop when we had kids and I expected things from him. Before kids I didn’t expect much-I did all the household chores inside and out while also working part time. He owns his own business and can have very busy weeks. I’m also an ideoent person who values alone time so he was able to go do hobbies and see friends a lot. However once kids came into the picture it was like he resented being expected to change. It wasn’t great for the first year we had a lot of arguments about helping with him even saying one time “well you're the one who wanted this”
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