im just confused

by leslie k.
(phenix city, AL, U.S)

Ok. i've been with my finance for about 15 years now, we have two beautiful daughters together. He use to be so kind and so sweet and he would treat me like I was everything to him.

Then we made a mistake and started something we shouldn't have done and it brought the anger out in him I guess u can say That's when he started slapping me, throwing things and hitting me with it. He started running off for 3 or 4 days at a time from me and his kids, to my family's house. And he would have them lie to me about him not being there.

And I had a younger female cousin that stayed there, and I seen how they started looking at each other and stuff, and I believe they slept with each other and they don't want to tell me.

Well, he started acting a 'lil better at first but then he got right back. The same exact way self for if not worse. that's when he started treating and talking to my parents disrespectful and showing out and calling me names around them. But now since both of my parents have passed away and I really don't have anyone, he calls me names and yells at me in front of strangers, hardly ever helps me with the kids, tells me I can leave if I want or go find someone else.

I just need some advise on what I should do.

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Jan 22, 2016
I understand
by: Anonymous

I totally understand your situation. I am going through almost the same thing. I have been with my husband for 13 years. He started off OK. we were young and always having fun but after a while he would disappear for days then come back like nothing.

He has has 8 different affairs that I know of, he helps me with nothing financially and tells me the same thing: that if I want I can go but then threatens to have my daughter taken from me because I have been diagnosed with bipolar depression.

It's so difficult especially when they alienate you from everyone. We just need to keep our heads up and try and figure it out.

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