Is it normal to be neglected by his family and friends?

by Calsie
(Ottawa, Ontario)

When ur in a relationship, aren't u supposed to be close to the family and have mutual friends? Me n my bf have been together 3 years on and off. We've dated other people for a few months.

Anyways, his family and friends don't give me a chance. They say I'm bad because of lies he tells them. I have kids who question why they hate us....ugh it's too hard. I take it out on him always, but it hurts. It's not right.

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May 23, 2013
His family !
by: Anonymous

Hi. I've just left a relationship of 2 years because of my boyfriend's family. we are both in our mid 60s and i never married nor do I have children.

His grandkids are dotes and I love them and have always been kind to them and we get along. His 2 daughters [in their early 40s] not the son, just the daughters, made my life hell, covertly.

Firstly when we would go to see the youngest daughter she was rude and never asked me would i like something to eat, then she would phone all thru the weekend [I lived with him Thurs to Mon evening]. she doesn't work so had the rest of the week but No! she phoned him at on a Sunday, when we would be in bed. It was never an emergency.

Anyway, it's too long to go into here, but the older girl has a boyfriend, an ex-husband and still phoned her Dad for lifts, with every damned problem that she had. He seemed not to see it. They never liked me and it's not like he has a house to leave to me or any money. He never took me out and we lived a very simple life.

I eventually had it out with the youngest daughter. instead of looking at themselves, they completely cut me out and I am no longer invited to confirmations [Catholics] or communion days and theeir parties etc.. I as even 'banned' from the church.

i am a kind person and was always good to the kids, to their Dad, a Widower. they are total hypocrites and are always praying and yet! they hate me and won't come 50pc to meet me for the sake of their Dad who was very upset.

I got so fed up and hurt, at Xmas I wasn't invited, I just left. I am now deeply depressed and hurt and don't think I could ever date a widower again. his wife was a serial cheat and had a lover women and men throughout the marriage. she was a rampant alcoholic too and the girls had probs with her so you'd think that they'd be happy for their dad !!

He wasn't a saint either. The house is a hovel and they should be glad that he has a woman. they have money and never help him out, yet they had all this power!

Feb 29, 2012
by: rajbill

Even though his family doesn't like you, if you love your boyfriend you will have a way to be close to his family. Show to them that you have also a good side.

Jan 31, 2012
poor Calsie
by: Anonymous

awww thats sooo sad. fight for him

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