When I was little, I had a few panic attacks (we're talking third grade here) and I was taken to a counselor. My mom couldn't see through this horrible-nightmare-counselor-lady and as soon as my mother left, she asked me prodding questions- the sort of stuff you don't ask a third grader- about my divorced father. She would keep rephrasing a question until she got an answer that "she wanted," which was usually trying to pit me against my dad. I would end every session bordering on tears and for a solid three years, I would make a fit anytime I had to go and cry myself to sleep for months on end after each appointment.
Gene Kayser uses the Gottman Method Couples Therapy system with it's proven techniques & strategies for couples who want to save their relationship. This is a "nuts and bolts" approach based on 40 years of research & treatment.
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