Judgmental, biased and my way or highway

by Anonymous

This therapist is the Columbus area was referred to me through an employee assistance program. Boy, did she get judgmental about me, my dressing sense, my way of speaking and my culture. She outright declared, "when I see you, you look junior and dress junior." Hello, anyone home that can bolster self esteem and confidence instead of bringing it down?

She said I needed to straighten my hair and dress like the rest of the corporate women she'd seen from my workplace because that is what would get me a boyfriend. Yeah! Apart from judging my culture and invalidating the different way of life I have grown up in, she sought to make me more 'American'.

She also displayed most of the other signs of bad therapists that I have since researched - pronouncing disorders before an actual diagnosis, no clear communication of treatment plan and goals, highly judgmental (is this the third time I'm mentioning that?!).

What surprises me is she has been in practice for 30 years. Thirty years of saving, changing some lives and completely wrecking others?

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Jul 24, 2019
Stalked by a "counselor"
by: Anonymous

I live in Columbus, Ohio. It would be interesting to read more negative experiences with EAP Counselors here. I, myself, have never had a counselor but one is stuck in my life nevertheless. It has been extremely stressful.Have been reporting it for over decade now, to no avail. She has "friends" in high places.

Apr 17, 2019
Same goes for teachers
by: Anonymous

I can't believe that what I have experienced in teaching is also known in the world of therapy and mental health. The fact that people teach hating kids, the fact that horrible people are therapists makes me think of the root source as to why society is the way it is.

Oct 26, 2018
I have been there too
by: Anonymous

I can relate to this as well. What she's saying to you is an indication that she lacks life experience and intelligence. She has probably never traveled and lived in a different area and doesn't have real exposure to the real world. When naive and ignorant people like this end up in mental health it is truly a loss for people who end up under their care.

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You took control of the direction of the session if things were not moving along.
Thanks so much
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Rita and Mark

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