Marriage issues

by Jessica


My name is Jessica I am having a very hard time in my new marriage. I have a ton of trust issues and insecurities. I would love to chat with anyone regarding this and what you’ve done to fix it.

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Oct 23, 2020
You Can do it
by: Mireille

Hello my dear! Familly issue and familly in law issue are not an easy task to handle for a newly married person. I understand what you fell and I measure how hard it is;facing the people that are supposing love you or even accept you presenting the contrary of your heart is difficult and very difficult, I am really sorry for you ! You presented what drive the familly to make thing difficult for you and also the fact that your husbabd is assuring you of his confidence. meaning that you have the motive to be difficult but also the real reason to let go. I want to ask you a simple question: who do you love? who are you married to?
The issue is simple: love always win; let go because of love.
To hate is so easy, but the cost to pay because of hatress is so big; it's as if you accept to drink poison and expect to you enemy to die; you are the first victim of your hatress: conscience issue, blood presure; stress... ere all at your door, do not let them in.
You simply forget that love always win! put all your energy to love your husband, build your lovely familly and let a chance to love to teach you how to love your familly in law and you will soon or later face the miracle that love can produce.
I wish you all the best!!!!

Sep 05, 2020
give space.
by: Anonymous

I know its a tough pill to swallow but give them space. I had a therapist tell me i have to like my self before I can like and love other people. Give them space and take up some hobbies. Go for walks. Tide a bike etc. Stop worrying about how uou feel and what they are thinking all te time. Take life easy and be ok with it. This really helps. I know. I did it. I hot tge advice from my therapist. I hope it helps.

Jun 19, 2020
Relationship insecurity
by: Anonymous

it could be your own fault because you have insecurities about things that have happened in your history or it could be that your partner is actually doing some unusual things that would make somebody wonder. I think you should explain to your partner how you're feeling and why you feel that way. See what comes of that. This requires courage and the result could lead to pain, but it could also lead to something very positive which can move your relationship to a higher level.

May 21, 2020
Feeling anxious and unloved
by: Anonymous

I have been married for 3 years and my husband moved from another country to be with me. Due to this his family hate me. They didn’t speak for 5 years and due to a family bereavement he went back home but has now came back and turned against me.

He said I should forgive them for everything they have done just like he and that his loyalties lie with me but I am not feeling this. I am so down and I sure. How I can make these feelings go away?

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