Married and lonely

by Naomi william
(Australia )

I've been married for 5 years, my husband doesn't talk to me, not like we're fighting. But he confides in outsiders more than me. I don't know anything about his business or plans. He prefers to talk to my mother or sisters or his friends more than me. I hear about his plans from my family. I have told my mother and sisters to stop talking to him but they won't listen. I feel so lonely.

Like for example, my husband has plans to move to a better area but he told my family before me. He's starting a fish farm and he told my sisters, especially my younger sister.
Is this normal?

I feel like a maid, I only cook for him. He will just enter the house and say where's my food. He will eat and go and watch ball and sleep. We don't really have sex even.

We haven't had s * in 2 months ,what should I do?

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Aug 08, 2024

by: Gene Kayser LMFT

Hi Naomi. No, this is not normal for a marriage. And it’s not unusual for you to feel lonely. My first thought is you should sit down and have a talk with your husband about the state of your marriage. Although I suspect that given your description he is not going to be too interested in having a conversation.

Which leaves you with a couple of alternatives. You could just stick it out and be lonely, which is definitely not good for you. You could tell him that you are not happy in your marriage, and you would like the two of you to go to marriage counseling. And if that doesn’t seem possible, then you’ll have to decide whether you want to stay in this relationship, or find some other way to lead your life.

Best of luck.

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