
I am married for the 2nd time to a man who adores me and my 2 sons who he took over raising.

I find it difficult that he gets annoyed at my kids using their fathers surname, he gets annoyed if conversation about my kid's father comes up, he gets annoyed if I don't disclose every conversation that I have with my kid's father, he gets annoyed that mail comes to the house with my previous married name, he gets annoyed that my email had my previous married name. I recently changed my email address to appease him but some contacts are still linked to the old email and he doesn't understand why I won't stop using that email. It feels like the 10 years I was with my ex should be erased from my history.

I'm trying to appease him but Every time something from my past crops up, things get hostile.
He accuses me of wanting to hold onto the past.
I just don't know if I'm being stubborn or unreasonable or how to help my situation.

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