My boyfriend has become very close to his sons girlfriend.

by Susan

My boyfriend is in his sixties, as am I. She lives with his son on the property. The son is very irresponsible. Does not work. Gets in trouble, etc.

My boyfriend is just the opposite. Very hardworking and has some money. The girl started out coming down for coffee with my boyfriend and telling her problems to him. She is in her early thirties and attractive. She comes down while I am not there mostly. His son has very little money and she does not either. She says she is getting a job but something happens and it falls through.

My boyfriend has dated women her age in the past and she is young looking and attractive. She tries to help my boyfriend do his work and complements him on what he does. He seems to enjoy her help. She started out using his car. She has been given money, but she did pay it back. She now asks for it a lot. He says she will pay it back. So, she gets it.

I think he is a little smitten with her. Maybe she reminds him of his youth. Or, ??? He gets angry when I say anything about it. He says I am jealous. Maybe some. But, could this get out of hand?. He was friends with his son's girlfriend before this one. She accused him of inappropriate behavior. That concerns me. Should I be?

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Apr 21, 2016

by: Your Couples Guide

Dear Susan... It sounds like your boyfriend is smitten. Certainly having difficulty in maintaining boundaries, as evident with the earlier woman who accused him of "inappropriate behavior."

Jealousy is a gut feeling, and unless it is blatantly irrational, it often is wise to listen to it. You don't say how long you have been together. But if you intend to continue, it might be helpful to see a couples therapist.

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