My Boyfriend that I live with shows ZERO intamacy or interst in me.

by Luanne
(Thomasville Ga )

I have tried talking to him. He said that "We can work this thing out and fix this problem".. REALLY??? I talked to him three weeks ago and he hasn't budged to even touch me. I have to move towards him to kiss him when I leave for work and THAT'S IT.. nothing more.. no sex, no touching .. N O T H I N G!!!!!!!!!

I am not used to this. We have only been together a year. I CANNOT do this. I do love him. we get along great as friends but as lovers... IT'S NOT HAPPENING.. I can't do this anymore. I have to have love, sex and being touched. He's just OBVIOUSLY not interested in me or not that kind of person.I think he shows a bit too much interest in college women and I GET ZERO ATTENTION?????? he's 59 to top this off with. But he can let me know how gorgeous and talented all his ex's are and these CUTE LITTLE COLLEGE GIRLS are.. BUT NOT ME??????????????????????????

Not ever has he said one nice thing TO ME.. about me.. but about everyone else.. he's able to tell me. He's suddenly able to be intimate in a conversation about SOMEONE ELSE????? PLEASE.. GET REAL!!

why is he trying to keep me?? is he gay??? Maybe hiding a relationship??? These are my thoughts.

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