My Husband Has Retired at 46

by Lee-Ann
(Jhb, South Africa)

My husband of 16 years just resigned from his job, cashed out his pension and spends his days washing and ironing.

He is irritable and angry and open discussion about the situation is not an option.

He admits that he is depressed, but refuses to go for counseling, and when I offered to go and explain his symptoms to the doctor, he said he will not take the medication.

We have 3 young daughters and whilst I earn a decent wage, I feel resentful that all the money worries now fall to me.

Please help!

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Nov 06, 2012
Thank you.
by: Lee-Ann

Just an update on this story. I tried to get him to talk to someone. We went for counseling and he just would not look for work. I eventually had to divorce him to save my financial security.

He is now working and has found himself a girlfriend. If this is how men behave, I think I will stay single and never fall for anyone again.

Aug 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

So very sorry to hear your family's plight. Perhaps your husband is going through his "mid-life" crisis right now and simply needs TIME to figure things out.

I believe many (guys and gals) go through a period of disillusion whereby we wonder about our lives and think, "wow, what have I done with my life thus far"?

Is there perhaps a close friend/family member he can speak with guy to guy??? I believe he will be fine given some TIME to come to terms with life in general.

He will then realize what a great life he DOES HAVE and get back on track to LIVING and being productive once again and feeling good about himself and his lot in life. Good Luck to you & your family!

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