To leave or not to leave . . . that is the question-

My husband of nearly 1-1/2 years has lost his position in the Pacific. He would like to begin practicing in New York where he is also licensed. He has family there, I don't.

I am well established in way of employment, finances, family/friends right here in the islands where we met and married. It is his first marriage, not mine. It took me 9-years to finally decide I wanted to be married once again (we are in our mid50's).

I am very much in love with him. However, it seems there are far more cons than pros if I leave everything behind to embark on this new venture.

Hence, my dilemma.

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Mar 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

My situation has been happily resolved.

When my husband understood my dilemma and my stand (I opt not to leave behind everything and start all over at 54 years old), he quickly adjusted his thinking.

I guess he understood he was merely 1/2 of the team. I explained I would never stand in the way of his happiness and goals although I would be very sad to see him leave.

He has since secured a position and we BOTH can remain in "paradise".

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