What should I do?

by Trish

Been married for 25 years. Within the first 6 months of marriage, my husband told me he was in love with one of my friends.

During our married life, I have never felt good enough, even though I relocated with him for work, in which he began a relationship with another woman while we were living in another country and I looked after 4 children. He has always had a porn addiction, which I have asked him countless times to get help for. I was even willing to go to marriage counselling with him. He tried online counselling but soon became distracted again and commenced hiding material from me. When we get into arguments, I'm the one who always ends up crying and apologizing . He tells me to get over it and to stop nagging. Now I have.

I'm at the stage where I recently asked him for a divorce. He said I wasn't serious. I even stated I didn't want anything from him. Just to leave so I can start my life afresh. I don't care what he watched or does anymore and can honestly say that the years of feeling belittled, have left me feeling absolutely nothing for him.

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Sep 01, 2024
Drawing A Line
by: Eugene Kayser LMFT

Hi Trish. Obviously your husband has a problem and can only be helped if he sees a professional. Which it looks like he has already refused. As a therapist, I don’t like to recommend threatening divorce, but as it is with many addictions, people need to see that there are real consequences to their actions before they seek help.
So, I suggest that you make him understand that you are drawing a line.

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