Wife no longer wants sex

by Anonymous
(Columbus )

My wife and I have been married almost 5 years. Before we started dating she told me that she had a hysterectomy. I thought it wouldn't be an issue. But recently,my wife has had no desire for sex at all. I understand that a lower sex drive is normal after this kind procedure. Whenever I want sex she hates the idea.

I love her with all my heart and don't want something like this to end our marriage. But I'm not happy. I've tried having several discussions with her about it, but I always end up feeling guilty about it. I've tried compromising with her. She doesn't want to do that. She doesn't want to get help for it either. I've tried to solve my own problems with masterbation. Then I feel so guilty about that, I can't do that. I no longer know what to do.

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