Is family counseling the same as marriage counseling?

by Anonymous

Is family counseling the same as marriage counseling?

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Mar 30, 2011
How Are They Different?
by: Gene Kayser, Editor

There are some similarities and some major differences between family and marriage counseling.

When we are working with a family, the emphasis is on how the family system works and is arranged. Sort of like looking at the solar system. By focusing on the entire family, no one person is singled out as the "sick one." Treatment is done by nudging the family into different ways of behavior.

Marriages are viewed as a "two planet" system, if you will, each revolving around the other. Again, we don't focus on who the "bad guy" is, but on how to understand the difficult behavior, and how to learn to change it.

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Eugene Kayser, MA, MFT's profile on the Gottman Referral Network