Marriage Counseling
Can Save Your Relationship

How do you know if you need Marriage Counseling?

Here are the four warning signs of trouble:

1. You see your marriage problems as severe.
2. Talking things over seems useless.
3. You start leading parallel lives.
4. You’re isolated and lonely.

- John Gottman, Ph.D., "Why Marriages Succeed or Fail"

If these describe your relationship, then it’s time to try Marriage Counseling. When both partners are willing to try, there are solutions to problems of poor communication, conflicts, and even infidelity. For ideas that work, take a look at this article on marriage strategies used in couples counseling.

There are lots of good articles on marriage on this site. Here are a few of the latest:

Good Marriage Or Failed Marriage?
What Works & What Won't
Is Marriage Really Good For You?Let’s talk about marriage, and (gasp!) divorce.Why Do Some Marriages Succeed and Others Fail?The Four Warning signs of Marriage Problems

Marriage and Family Counselors are trained and licensed in the specialty of Marriage Therapy, and have years of experience with couples and families in trouble.

We can help, but you have to make the first move.

For a free telephone consultation, call or text

Eugene Kayser  at 


You can also use the contact form below to ask questions or to make an appointment.

Kayser Intake Form

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

By submitting, I acknowledge I have read and understood the Consent Form below. Please enter the word that you see below, and submit.


The Therapy Menu

Tailor your treatment
to meet your needs
and schedule:

The Assessment 90 Minute Session is $240. This plan is highly recommended for initial evaluations for couples, and individuals in crisis.

The Standard 60 Minute Session is $160. Suitable for individuals and couples who need less intense work.

The Tune-Up 30 Minute Session is $85. Good for renewing your skills, or for short-term coaching.

Another Way to Save – Schedule your sessions for every other week, or for as often as you can afford.

All major credit cards, personal checks or cash accepted.

Why You Can’t Use Your Health Insurance:

Insurance companies will not pay for what they call “Relationship Diagnoses,” such as marital problems, family conflicts and career issues. They consider therapy for these problems to be “Elective Treatment” in the same sense that plastic surgery is elective, as compared to treatment for a disease. But you may be able to submit your bills for partial reimbursement. Just ask for a monthly statement.

for your first step toward
a better relationship.

Here's a note from a client -
"I liked that after almost every session I felt better. I felt very comfortable and at ease during our sessions. So overall I really liked it. You've asked a lot of questions and made me talk in the 'right direction'".
Eugene Kayser Marriage Therapist

Gene Kayser uses the Gottman Method Couples Therapy system with it's proven techniques & strategies for couples who want to save their relationship. This is a "nuts and bolts" approach based on 40 years of research & treatment.

For a free 20 minute consultation, Call or Text:

(215) 813-8633

"You gave us counseling without making either one of us feel that you were taking sides.
You always maintained your impartiality with us. You encouraged Rita to be more assertive in stating what she wanted to get from your counseling sessions, as well as what she wanted to get from the relationship.
You taught both of us better communication between ourselves, which lead to an emotional comfort level between us that didn't exist before.
You took control of the direction of the session if things were not moving along.
Thanks so much
for helping us."

Rita and Mark

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